30 September 2012


The clocks went forward this weekend for Daylight Savings, and while it has officially been spring for a few weeks it does feel like it now. Right on cue the weather put on a stunning weekend, and the local beach and ice cream shops have been busy. 

In Auckland we enjoy a temperate climate, and so the variation between the seasons isn’t so great. Most of the trees are green all year, and some plants that only flower in summer in colder climates manage to bloom for most of the year, but it is still good to see the spring flowers making their entrance.

I recall walking through a short stretch of woods to school and enjoying the bluebells that gave the wood its name. In Cyprus there would be a short rainy season at the beginning of the year, and what was usually dry desert-like expanses would turn into fields of glorious yellow flowers overnight. In Wales, daffodils are a national emblem and during Spring they bloom in every available space. It is a glorious time of year.

I’ve been busy plotting and writing, and enjoying feeling of progress, even if it isn’t especially noticeable in word count (an amount of murdering my darlings has been taking place). 

A friend and I were discussing the impetus of deadlines the other day, most especially those created for no other reason than a date. As we celebrate Christmas during the summer, the schools are closed for the long summer break and families take additional leave from work.  With so many people away that means work projects don’t really take-off until February, and then speed up through the year. November and early December are usually frantic, and so by the time Christmas comes everyone is glad to have some time off. It is understandable as people want to finish projects before the summer break, and start something new when they return. 

Even though the New Year is just a date, it is also quite an impetus for finishing things off and starting something new. In that light I’d like to think my current WIP would be finished by that time – whether it’s manageable I’m not sure, but I’m working on it.

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